S05-06 00

Mental rehearsal and Mental Rotation: Perceptual Representations of Object size.


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Bassem Khalafwaist university


The main goal of this study is to investigate how mental rehearsal spins mental rotation, whether spatial imagery or object imagery. (54) participants divided into three groups. Participants (18)  the first group practiced the mental rehearsal based on  mental rotation, and the second group (18) their task was scoring by ball tennis on the eight different shapes (four big balls and four small balls). The third group(18) did mental rotation without mental rehearsal and visual shapes). Results show that mental rehearsal spun the mental rotation on vertical axis and right side of rotation, these results approve that mental imagery is not pictorial information, but also mainplanes the motor system, these findings have opened many questions for future studies about left- and right-hand tasks during rotation and mental imagery for motor system.

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