S08-05 08

Team Emotional Intelligence and Communication & Collaboration Digital Competence: Comparing Face-to-Face vs. Virtual Communication Settings


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Maribel Montañez-JuanUniversitat de València
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Claudia Gina Forteza DomeniciUniversitat de les Illes Balears
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Joanna BlahopoulouUniversitat de les Illes Balears


Introduction: Team emotional intelligence (TEI) is an essential competence for effective team communication in face-to-face settings. However, just because a team is emotionally intelligent in such settings does not guarantee that it will also be emotionally intelligent in virtual settings. Virtual team communication has advantages such as flexibility, agility, and accessibility, but it can hinder interpersonal relationships and diminish opportunities for casual interactions, increasing the potential for misinterpretation, misunderstandings, and conflicts. In this context, TEI could enhance the positive aspects of virtual communication in work teams and mitigate its negative effects. Considering the growing popularity of virtual work teams, it is crucial to know how TEI works in virtual communication settings. Further, it seems difficult to experience high levels of TEI in a virtual environment without digital competences. In this sense, it is expected that virtual communication also requires team members to be proficiency in the “Communication & Collaboration” digital competence.

Objectives: Based on the Social Presence Theory and the Media Richness Theory, this study aims to analyze whether individuals perceive and manage their emotions differently when interacting in three communication settings: face-to-face, video call (e.g., Zoom), or in-writing (e.g., Google Docs). It also explores whether individuals with an advanced level of the “Communication & Collaboration” digital competence also experience higher levels of TEI when communicating in virtual settings, compared to individuals with a foundation level of this digital competence.

Methodology: Participants (N= 152) completed an online survey to measure four dimensions of TEI: awareness of own emotions, awareness of other’s emotions, management of own emotions, and management of other’s emotions. They had to respond to each item for three communication settings (face-to-face, video call, and in-writing). Participants also responded to the Digital Skills Assessment Tool to measure their level of the digital competence of “Communication & Collaboration”.

Results: Results showed significant mean differences in TEI level according to the communication setting, being higher in face-to-face than via video call, face-to-face than in-writing, and video call than in-writing settings. These significant differences were repeated for each dimension of TEI, except for awareness of own emotions and management of own emotions between video call and in-writing settings. No significant mean differences were found in the level of TEI in virtual communication settings between individuals with an advanced level vs. individuals with a foundation level in the digital competence “Communication & collaboration”.

Conclusions: Our findings underline that high levels of TEI in face-to-face settings do not guarantee that team members are able to experience and manage emotions in virtual settings. As communication continues to shift towards virtual platforms, workers and leaders must learn how to manage emotional processes while working in teams. This skill is crucial for thriving in collaborative online environments and navigating digital team dynamics effectively. While virtual interactions offer convenience and accessibility, they may not fully replicate the depth of emotional connection and understanding found in face-to-face encounters, emphasizing the importance of preserving opportunities for in-person interaction within the organizational context.

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      Yer Orlando Monsalve Ospina

      Comentó el 12/07/2024 a las 16:16:02

      Good afternoon Joanna.

      I would like to pose two questions regarding team emotional intelligence (TEI) in virtual communication settings:

      How can team emotional intelligence (TEI) enhance communication and collaboration in virtual teams, and what are the best practices for fostering TEI in remote work environments?

      What role do digital competences, specifically the "Communication & Collaboration" competence, play in developing and maintaining team emotional intelligence (TEI) in virtual communication contexts?

      Thank you.

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        Maribel Montañez-Juan

        Comentó el 12/07/2024 a las 18:05:13

        Good afternoon Yer Orlando,

        Thank you for your interest in our work. In response to your questions:

        1. TEI enhances communication and collaboration in virtual teams by fostering empathy, understanding, effective conflict resolution... Best practices for fostering TEI in remote work include regular virtual check-ins, team-building activities, and providing training on emotional intelligence skills.

        2. We need more research to adequately answer this question. But we believe that digital competences, specifically "Communication & Collaboration", play a crucial role in facilitating digital TEI. Communication & Collaboration competence ensures that team members to use digital tools proficiently to facilitate clear communication and promote active participation and cooperation in virtual settings.

        Best wishes,

        Maribel Montañez

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      Laura Trujillo Velazquez

      Comentó el 12/07/2024 a las 14:27:01

      Hola, me parece muy interesante su propuesta de la inteligencia emocional en el contexto de las competencias digitales. Me queda la duda de cómo operacionalizaron la TEI, pues según entendí las dimensiones planteadas son a nivel individual, no grupal. Un saludo.

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        Maribel Montañez-Juan

        Comentó el 12/07/2024 a las 17:49:27

        Buenas tardes Laura,

        Muchas gracias por su interés y por la pregunta que plantea.

        TEI la medimos utilizando el instrumento "Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Profile" (WEIP-S, de Jordan & Lawrence, 2009; en su versión en español validada por Lopez-Zafra et al., 2012). Los participantes respondieron a cada ítem según tres formas de interacción (presencial, videollamada o por escrito).

        Un saludo,

        Maribel Montañez

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      Jonathan Peñalver González

      Comentó el 11/07/2024 a las 13:28:37

      aunque es muy innovador considerar la inteligencia emocional como un constructo colectivo del equipo, ¿no debería este también tratarse metodológicamente como tal? Es decir, agregar la medida a nivel grupal previamente habiendo realizado los análisis pertinentes (Rwg, ADI, ICC)

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        Maribel Montañez-Juan

        Comentó el 12/07/2024 a las 10:04:54

        Buenos días Jonathan,

        Muchas gracias por la pregunta tan importante que nos plantea. La inteligencia emocional de equipo (IEE) es un constructo que, aunque reciente, ya lleva años estudiándose y, efectivamente, éste debe tratarse metodológicamente agregando la medida a nivel grupal.

        Lo que nos planteamos en nuestro estudio es si existe un constructo de IEE virtual. Por ello, lo que hemos analizado son las percepciones individuales de IEE presencial y virtual y compararlas para ver si hay o no diferencias significativas. Así, en el futuro, plantearnos estudiar IEE virtual en equipos reales agregando la medida a nivel grupal.

        Un saludo,

        Maribel Montañez

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      Felisa latorre2

      Comentó el 11/07/2024 a las 13:17:55

      Enhorabuena por su trabajo, trata un tema muy actual y acorde con el congreso. Al ver su presentación, me surge la duda sobre cómo se llevo a cabo la recogida de datos. ¿Les pusieron una tarea? ¿Lo analizaron en un contexto de laboratorio? Le agradecería que explicara como fue el proceso.

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        Maribel Montañez-Juan

        Comentó el 12/07/2024 a las 09:55:21

        Buenos días Felisa,

        Muchas gracias por su pregunta. La recogida de datos se realizó durante la participación en un taller sobre competencias digitales en el marco de un proyecto de innovación docente. Para ello, preparamos un cuestionario online con los instrumentos de medida mencionados en la presentación.

        Un saludo,

        Maribel Montañez

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